This is a guest post I did for the Squire's Squadron blog a while back and I wanted to share it with you guys here. Check out Squire Squadron too though, funny stuff. Anyway here it is...
What I'm gonna talk about while i'm here is how the man is screwing us extra hard once again. These cigarettes are just too damn expensive today.
I mean come on, $5.00 a pack for Marlboro's? Are you fkn kidding me?
Chris Rock once said that them's crack prices, and they really are. He's totally right.
I mean think about it y'all, it's completly dispicable these prices for our smokes. I man it's just awful.
It might be at least a solid number 6 on the all time list of great incidents of butt rape against us citizens of the United States of America ever occurring in time.
Of course number one being 9/11, but this cigarette price conspiracy is at least 6th of all time if not 5. Who knows. i'll have to make the list sometime..,
Someday maybe I'll do a complete top ten of all the biggest screw jobs and conspiracy's against the American citizens done to us by our corrupt and greedy government, and maybe the Squadron will invite me back to tell y'all all about it, but for now, let's just stick with these outrageous fking cigerette prices..,
Think about just how big of an attack against the lifestyles of us poor people this cigerette price sh*t really is. A brutal attack againt every poor smoker, all unpaid writers, or overnight pregnant convienience store clerk, even other various defeated and broken groups or individuals walking around, i'm in three of these groups , and I can say first hand that all three of us are getting royally screwed hard here.
How the hell can an upaid struggling writer like me, be expected to afford the cost of feeding my fat face microwaved hot pockets and drinking 2liters of MTN Dew, just sitting on ass in front of my computer, chainsmoking cigerettes. Sitting fat and unpaid in a plume of smoke and just writing away with my clever words. Burning my sugar Momma's hard earned money on these expensive cigarettes.
I'm trying desperatly to write that one funny enough joke to blow up and go viral or maybe even to write a good enough short story and finally get myself paid for this writing and feed my babies with my passion and these smartass funny jokes and words.
Seriously, I need to start making enough money soon to at least chip in on cigs and groceries from this silly writing.
Achieving the status of poor is on our family's short term goal list, it's #3 in fact. Then maybe my wife could think of me during sex again and maybe she might even stop scowling everytime she walks by my fat bottomed chain-smoking ass as I sit there at the computer just endlessly hunting and pecking, working on blogs for free with all my clever little smart*ss words.
Bottom line is, I just really can't afford to chainsmoke and write for much longer.
For now, I write these words for free. I can't write without MTN Dew and cigarettes far as I know. I never have before. If I cant get paid to be funny I'm afraid I may need to get a real job or quit smoking.
I can't quit smoking because guess what, punch in the crotch number two in the cig price conspiracy, these cigarettes are addictive.

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